Need an Emergency Dentist near you? We're here to help!
We understand that dental emergencies can be alarming, whether you’ve suffered oral trauma or are experiencing a sudden toothache. At Kanata Highlands Dental, we offer various emergency dentistry treatments, including root canals and loose or lost filling repair. If you require immediate attention, count on our team to treat you with the sense of urgency and compassion you need at a difficult time. Whenever possible, we’ll make space in our schedule to see you the same day.
What is considered to be a dental emergency?
- Is it a broken tooth, broken dentures,
- an avulsed or knock out tooth,
- an orthodontic dental emergency,
- a mobile dental implant,
- a veneer or crown that had been dislodged,
- uncontrolled pain from a tooth ache or a dental abscess,
- uncontrolled intra-oral bleeding or hemorrhage,
- an infected piercing,
- unexplained sudden or chronic changes in tooth colour,
- a foreign body embedded in the intra-oral soft tissue or between the teeth,
- non healing intra-oral ulcerations,
- a broken orthodontic retainer.
Request an Urgent Appointment
Dental emergencies can be quite frightening and often painful. Without prompt treatment, the pain caused by dental emergencies almost always gets worse and dental issues can become seriously affect overall health. Prompt treatment is almost always required to relieve pain, to ensure the teeth have the best possible chance of survival, and to avoid further dental and medical complications. If you are in pain and discomfort from a dental issue, call us and we try our best to see you right away. We offer same-day dental appointments so you don't have to wait in pain and discomfort for a long time.
Dental Emergencies can be of various kinds, and the following list includes most common dental emergencies, and what you could do in each situation before your dental emergency appointment.
What to do with Fractured, Chipped or Cracked Tooth?
If a piece of tooth has come off, see a dentist as soon as possible to increase possibility of saving the tooth. If a piece of the tooth has come off, save it if you can. If there is any bleeding, apply a piece of gauze or a soft, clean cloth to the area until the bleeding stops (usually about 10 minutes). Apply a cold compress to the outside of the mouth, cheek, or lip in the affected area to keep any swelling down and to relieve any pain.
What to do if you have knocked out a tooth?
See a dentist asap. Meanwhile retrieve the tooth, and try to place it back into the socket. If the tooth is soiled, rinse it off, but DO NOT scrub it, or remove any attached tissues. Hold it by the crown, and gently place it back into the socket (ensuring that it is facing the right direction). Bite down gently to hold it in place. If you cannot place the tooth back into the socket, do not discard it. Put it in a small container of milk (or cup of water that contains a pinch of table salt).
What to do if you have a severe toothache?
Common causes of toothaches include tooth decay, an abscess, gum disease, damaged fillings or sealants, and sometimes improper oral hygiene. See your dentist as soon as possible. Rinse your mouth thoroughly with warm water, and if you can, use dental floss to gently remove any lodged food. If you experience swelling, put a cold compress on the outside of your cheek or mouth in the affected area.
What to do if your braces have broken?
See your dentist as soon as possible. If a wire breaks or sticks out of a bracket or band and is poking your cheek, tongue, or gum, use the eraser end of a pencil to try and push the wire into a more comfortable position. If you cannot reposition the wire, cover the end with a small cotton ball or piece of gauze until you can get to our office. Never cut the wire, as you could end up swallowing it or breathing it into your lungs.
Kanata Highlands Dental Care operates emergency services for our patients.