7 Important Tips for a Healthier and Prettier Smile
Keeping up with your oral hygiene is more than just keeping your teeth clean – it is tied with some basic but important aspects that are highly undermined. These include:
1. What devices are you using and HOW? 2. Which teeth whitening natural treatments are available? 3. What are your eating habits? 4. Overall body health.
By understanding the proper methods of oral hygiene along with the best type of teeth whitening treatment, you can safeguard your teeth and gums when seeking thorough clean-up. Below are 7 tips that will give you an insight on how to attain a healthy and pearly white smile!
1. Brushing your teeth and gums.
It takes not more than 30 minutes for the bacteria in your mouth to multiply and to begin plaque formation. Brushing twice a day is the ideal routine to minimize the number of bacteria in your mouth from invading your teeth. It is also important to keep in mind HOW you brush.
Brushing your teeth helps to avoid cavities but is also necessary to make sure you are reaching out to your gums for their wellbeing from periodontal diseases. When you brush your teeth follow your brush movements in a circular motion and, it is vital to reach on the inner side of the side behind your gums and teeth. Circular motions of brushing ensure minimal damage to your gums and enamel of the teeth.
This is one of the best types of teeth whitening treatment you can promise yourself to practice daily subconsciously.
2. Mouthwash + Tongue health.
Did you know, your tongue and palate are one of the best places for the bacteria to settle? Your toothbrush cannot reach every hook and corner of your mouth, but non-alcoholic mouthwashes can. Mouthwashes are designed to kill bacteria that lay in-between your teeth and can cause black holes – cavities. These therapeutically react on your tongue to reach the base through the tiny papillae or bristles. This kills the bacteria settled on the surface of your tongue that cause bad breath. Mouthwash is one of the best types of teeth whitening treatment as this helps to remove surface stains from the teeth that are caused by certain types of acidic foods.
3. Natural ways of teeth whitening.
Going the extra mile to whiten your teeth is not harmful as far as you are using the right methods and products. Baking soda is one of the best natural products to use to whiten your teeth. You can use baking soda with either water or hydrogen peroxide by creating a thick paste of the two and brushing gently on the surface of the teeth. This helps to get rid of stains caused by foods like coffee and wine.
Other teeth whitening natural treatment includes using activated charcoal. Charcoal contains an antioxidant property that works on the surface of your teeth to scrape off tough pigments from the surface.
4. Flossing!
Toothbrush bristles cannot reach in-between your teeth where bacteria settle to create hollow black holes called the cavities. Flossing helps to reach between the teeth and pull the bacteria right off. Not just that, floss also ensures no food particles are left behind that can overnight produce acid and harm the enamel of your teeth.
Flossing protects you from all kinds of oral problems beginning with:
• Bleeding gums and gum recession • Cavities • Plaque and tartar buildup • Tooth decayFlossing daily prevents tooth decay and gingivitis which from the gumline of the teeth, reach the inner bone leading to tooth loss.
5. Eat right – Coffee, wine and sugar?
Tea, coffee, wine, and fruit juices are responsible for the stains developed on the surface of your teeth just like smoking. These build a superficial layer on the surface of your enamel which over time reach the internal enamel of your tooth and stay on permanently. It is very important to note the types of food you consume throughout the day. This is vital not only for your teeth but also your health. A constant munching of sweet food enables cavities to develop within a few hours or days which come to notice when you visit your dentist. For this, it is recommended to rinse your mouth with water after consuming any such beverages. This would be one of the best types of teeth whitening treatment!6. Drink plenty of water.
As necessary water is considered for your body and overall health, it is equally important for the overall maintenance of your oral health. Drinking water at regular intervals flushes out the bacteria produced on the teeth and in the mouth keeping them clean and protecting them from tooth decay.
Tap water is the best source of constant fluoride rinse as fluoride discourages bacterial tooth decay and promotes the overall health of the teeth. It also provides a natural teeth whitening treatment and helps maintain a constant shine. This also helps to get rid of bad breath.
7. Regular Dental Check-ups!
This is the best one can do to protect their teeth and main oral hygiene. However, tooth complications can sometimes arise anyway and at such a given condition, the teeth cannot correct themselves or give out a signal.Regular dental check-ups help you stay a step forward of any oral complications that will further help treat it in a less invasive manner.
A dental check-up every 6 months can save you from a long prolonged dental treatment.
At Kanata Highlands Dental, we promise to provide the best type of teeth whitening treatment that will help you achieve a beautiful, white smile!
Contact us at (613)-270-1001 or book an appointment today!
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