All About Teeth Gap - What, Why, and How of it

How does Teeth Gap occur?

Smile is the primary thing that people notice about you. But what if the smile is interrupted by a small gap right in between your front teeth? Embarrassing right?

Have you ever felt the same because of your front teeth gap? If you thought you were the only one bearing this problem, think again because you are not alone!

The gap in the front teeth also called diastema in dental terminology is a very common problem.

There is never a sudden occurrence issue between front teeth in an individual. The gap forms gradually over a period of time. In most of the cases, the gap in front teeth gets formed as soon as the permanent teeth erupt in a child. 

However, some common causes of the gap in front teeth are:

  • Missing tooth or teeth
  • Tongue-thrusting habit
  • Poor gum health or gum disease
  • Small teeth for comparatively larger jaws
  • One or more teeth that are much smaller in size than the remaining teeth
  • A thick, strong, and muscular tissue, called the labial frenum, that connects the upper lip to the gums

How to fix Teeth Gap in Front Teeth?

Can you fix the gap of your front teeth by yourself? Of course not! The gap in front teeth needs to be treated by your dentist at the dental clinic.

There are several treatments to fix the gap in front teeth, the following are:

  • Dental veneers
  • Dental bonding
  • Orthodontic treatment (Braces)
  • Teeth effect bands, and many more

When you make a visit to your dentist for fixing the gap between front teeth, he/she will first examine your teeth and other tissues in the mouth for determining the cause of the gap.

An orthodontist or the braces specialist is recommended to get consulted from to close the gaps in teeth. The orthodontist uses clear aligners or traditional braces to close these gaps.

When gum disease is the cause of the gap in front teeth, the treatment usually includes a series of steps. First, the underlying cause of gum disease requires to be identified and treated. Once the teeth, the gums, and the underlying bones are restored to position, the gaps in teeth can be closed either using braces, crowns, and bridges, implants, or tooth-colored fillings.

There are many ways to fix the gap in front teeth and the treatment depends upon what caused it in the first place. The most frequent type of gap in front teeth is the space between two front teeth in the upper jaw. This gap is also called a midline diastema and it occurs due to a fleshy labial frenum. Sometimes, the frenum may also overgrow and cause the gap.

Teeth Gap Treatment Cost

The average teeth gap treatment cost with dental bonding reaches $840 CAD (approximately) however it may vary as per the case and the dentist.

In terms of dental procedures, most of the patients worry about the cost and also whether their insurance will cover them. It is always worse to get an unforeseen expense, so here are a few costs you can expect for the most common dental procedures.

In Canada, many Canadians usually have dental coverage through work, or university, or may qualify for social benefits that include dental.

It is also worth that your dental insurance covers health-related procedures such as cleaning or root canal treatment, but generally does not extend to cosmetic dental treatments such as teeth whitening or veneers.

Here are some average costs, in Canadian dollars, for common dental procedures:

  • Veneer: $1,750
  • Root Canal: $800
  • Dental Bonding: $450
  • Child Dental Exam: $67
  • Adult Dental Exam: $133 
  • Large Tooth Filling: $325
  • Clear Aligners Braces: $7,249
  • Tooth Extraction: $136 (starting cost)
  • Dental Crown: $1425 (Gold), or $1625 (Porcelain)
  • Small Tooth Filling: $80 (Silver Filling), or $200 (White Filling)

Kanata Highlands Dental

If you have gaps in between your front teeth and wish to close these spaces, visit Kanata Highlands Dental today! Our team of in-house dental experts will not just evaluate the cause of the gap in your front teeth but also close them to give you that beautiful smile you have been longing for!

Want to experience world-class dentistry at affordable rates?

At Kanata Highlands Dental Care we offer the best service to maintain the shine of your smile.

For more information, contact us today at (613)-270-1001 or book an appointment today! 

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